Saturday Share: Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling
Every Saturday I would like to share with you a video I find inspirational. There are so many amazing, enriching resources out there. Hopefully these videos will bring you joy and inspiration!
I always thought I was a specialist. Or maybe I always thought I should be. I decided in third grade to be an astronaut and I devoted myself towards that dream (or what that dream became) really up until a few years ago. Meanwhile while I enjoyed the math, and the science, and the learning, I felt bad that my hobbies had nothing to do with any of that. I wanted to read literature. Study religions. Delve into psychology and the human brain. Knit! Meditate! Explore the country and the world. I graduated a mechanical engineer and cannot tell you almost anything about cars (including makes or engines) and then got my masters in aerospace/aeronautical engineering and I can’t pick out one plane from another. In the last few years my interest in my work has started to fade as well. I’ve started to get bored. I used to enjoy work most days but now I need a challenge for me to become absorbed and lose track of time. Meanwhile get me reading on my hobbies and the time flies by. Perhaps I am a multipotentialite. It would make sense. My next question perhaps should be what’s next 🙂
What do you think? Are you a specialist or a multipotentialite?
If you have a favorite inspirational YouTube video, I’d love to see it! Contact me at [email protected] or comment below.
This is so me. I want to do so many different things that are all over the place. I go all in for a few months (or days or hours!) and then I’m off on some new idea. Thanks for sharing!
Isn’t it funny when you watch something, or read something and think, “this is so me, they’re inside my head!”? Glad you enjoyed it Ditching the Grind!